A Step-By-Step Activist Guide

Interested in politics? Passionate about positively impacting political arenas? Have innovative legislative ideas, but are unsure on where to start, or what actions to take? Look no further! This tutorial will serve a step-by-step instructive manual on effective political advocacy.

Objectives & Aims


This tutorial aims to teach learners how to advocate for policy changes effectively, focusing on practical steps they can take to create real impact. This comprehensive digital guide informs learners how to transform your passions into tangible political action.

Whatever your policy interest may be, whether you’re championing environmental reform, advancing social justice, advocating for healthcare improvements, or addressing any other critical issue, this tutorial equips you with the strategies, insights, and practical tools needed to navigate the complexities of policy advocacy. From understanding legislative processes to building coalitions, crafting compelling messages, conducting policy research, and leveraging data-driven arguments, this guide empowers you to take meaningful steps toward creating impactful change in your community and beyond. 

What is Advocacy? 

Advocacy is the process of influencing decision-makers to enact change on an issue you care about. It involves raising awareness, organizing support, and taking action to bring about positive social, political, or legal outcomes. Watch this video to see how your decisions can impact your life!

Five Steps to Becoming an Advocate

Click Here to Get Started!


Campbell, Joseph R. “Five Steps to Becoming an Advocate.” TEDxAdelaide, January 30, 2018.

Mercer, Kate. “What Is Advocacy.” Kate Mercer Training, January 19, 2016.